Online Physiotherapist India, Physio Directory India, Online Consultation County Park, Plot # 2, MR-5 Road Indore (M.P)-India
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Physiotherapist Directory Online, Online Physiotherapy treatments India, Physio online Directory,Physiotherapist In India, Online Physiotherpy Services

The growth of the company is backed and supported by high end infrastructure of the organization that enable us to survive this volatile market of IT industry segment. The office premises provides all the ambiance for the staff for a healthy working environment with ergonomics to refrain from fatigue.


High end dedicated Linux servers co located in a high speed secured data centre in New Jersey (USA).Every since 2001,SIPL has been maintaining its own web server even before the HYPE WORD CLOUD emerged for the web world. As on date our team remotely manages the cluster of dedicated servers that are owned and managed by SIPL. The servers that are managed and owned by us are Database servers, Mailing Servers and Hosting servers for hosting our SaaS based solutions and also web solution for Clients.


We have high end work station allocated to the developers over a secure LAN network. The work station is connected with the main server that is resource rich and provides access based on the roles of individuals. The marketing and the support staff are provided with High Configuration Laptops and tablets used mainly for marketing presentations and presentations over tablets or Laptops.

Linux server and with all licensed system software’s and open source databases, fully managed by the in-house technical team. All upgrades and patches are managed by our staff as and when the system requires any upgraded or Patch released by the system software’s.


Most of the projects executed is on cloud and SaaS based, a high speed leased line internet facilities with backup ISP's to avoid any down time in the working environment.The Wify enabled, Leased Line Internet connection is distributed across the Office premises with cable attached with each machine for development section. Back ISP’s are available for any outages with the leased line provider to avoid any work loss for our cloud based projects.


We have 2500 Sqft of floor place spread across two section each section segregated based on the nature of work and platforms. 6 individual cabins a are available for senior staff. The complete floor space and cabins are illuminated with high end LED light and air conditioned to provide the best working environment for our Team


We have 500 Sqft floor space used as conference hall for various in house meetings and client discussions. Conference hall is furnished with seating arranged of 20 peoples. High end Projector are available for various presentation purpose. All required hardware infrastructure are avaible in the conference hall for conducting virtual meeting session with clients also for training sessions imparted online for our clients

Physiotherapy services Online, Physio Directory, Online Physios consultancy, Online Physiotherapy Consultants, Treatments, Physio Clinics India

Physiotherapy services Online, Physio Directory, Online Physios consultancy, Online Physiotherapy Consultants, Treatments, Physio Clinics India