rollator walker

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rollator walker India,rolling walker manufacturers,rollator walker suppliers rollator walker India,rolling walker manufacturers,rollator walker suppliers

We are a pioneer manufacturer of various walking aids that has been used by elderly and disabled persons in India and various parts of the world. As a manufacturer of rollators, we consider the comfort of walking experience with the use of walking aid "Rollator" or the "Rolling Walker". The rollators that we manufacture is a four-wheeled rollators that consist of two castors at the front and two fixed direction rear wheels. The rollators, also consists and individual push handles with a non-pulpit style frame. To provide more flexibility in the rollator the handles and the seats, both can be adjustable in height giving maximum comfort to the patients that use our rollator walker.

An effective breaking system is provided in the rollator walker to to ensure that four wheeled rollators have brakes that can be operated easily and quickly by the user of the or rollator walker. Rollator when used as guided by the physiotherapist, the style of frame allows to adopt a better flowing walking pattern as compared to walking frame that does not has wheels.

We also suggest that regular maintenance of rollators and the frames is essential, to ensure maximum safety and prolonged life of the rollator. Superficial inspection of various of the rollator is most important for safety. The users can inspect for various wear and tear, particularly at the site of screws and height adjustment mechanisms.

Our rollators are ergonomically designed with a comfortable seating arrange in rollator with seats and the patients using it experience all the comfort and confidence, walking with our rollators. Furthermore, we have a light weight rollator that can be folded as a compact assembly when not in use.

We provide high quality cost effective rollators that can be your best walking aid equipment and you wont regret using our rollators.

To place and order for rollators visit our online store of physiotherapy products and orthopedic appliances

Keywords: rollator walker India,rolling walker manufacturers,rollator walker suppliers,rollator walker with seat,lightweight rollator walkers,rollator walker with seat, folding rollator walker,heavy duty rollator walker,rollator walking aid